First, let's start off with something simple! You have a database called customers with the columns name, mail, ordersArray. Now you want to add a customer. You can do that with the table.add function. Here are two examples.
// First, let's make the array of the order.
let orders = [1, 5, 9];
// Now add it to the table.
await table.add(["Paul", "paul@example.mail", orders]);
// Done!
// First, let's make the array of the order
let orders = [1, 5, 9];
// Now add it to the database
table.add(["Paul", "paul@example.mail", orders]).then(() => {
// Done!
Now, the customer ordered product number three. Then you want to add that to the array. You can do that with the table.update function.
// First, let's get the customer information
let filter = new client.filter(1)
filter.add("name", "Paul");
let customer = await table.where(filter);
// Now, get the array, add order number two and sort it (because we can)
let orderArray = customer.orderArray;
// Now, let's update the database
await table.update(filter, {column: "ordersArray", value: orderArray});
// Array updated!
// First, let's get the customer information
let filter = new client.filter(1)
filer.add("name", "Paul");
table.where(filter).then(customer => {
// Now, get the array, add order number two and sort it (because we can)
let orderArray = customer.orderArray;
// Now, let's update the database
table.update(filter, {column: "ordersArray", value: orderArray}).then(() => {
// Array updated!
If you want to add a row if something in it doesn't exists, you can do that with the table.ensure function. Here is a example.
let filter = new client.filter();
filter.add("name", "Jan");
let res = await table.ensure(filter, ["Paul", "", "password"]);
// Use the variable "res" with the data.
let filter = new client.filter();
filter.add("name", "Jan");
table.ensure(filter, ["Paul", "", "password"]).then(res => {
// Use the variable "res" with the data.
Oke, finaly: deleting data! You can delete data with the table.delete function and a filter. Here a example.
let filter = new client.filter(1)
filter.add("name", "Paul");
await table.delete(filter);
// Row deleted!
let filter = new client.filter(1)
filter.add("name", "Paul");
table.delete(filter).then(() => {
// Row deleted!