
Getset is made by Paultje#0933 (327462385361092621) on Discord and Paultje52 on GitHub > Paul also created the hole package.


First, let's import getset! You have to import it in a database, and the return is a class. In that class you can load or create a table, to use getset!

If you are using a existing table, the table can only have the column k and v. Nothing more.

// Loading the client.
let client = new betterMysql({
  host: "HOST",
  user: "USERNAME",
  pass: "PASSWORD"
// Loading the database
client.loadDatabase("DATABASE").then(async (database) => {
  // Importing getset
  let getSet = database.use(client.extenders.getset);
  // Making/loading a table
  let example = new getSet("example");

You have two parameters in the constructor. - The table name: Required. The name of the table. - Loading in the memory: Optional, by default true. Loading everything in the memory.

If you have loading in the memory enabled, you don't have to use await. Everything will be saved to a variable, and then everything in the server will be updated. This is really fast.

If you set the loading in memory to false, you can use the same functions, but then with await. Everything will be requested at the server. Usually, this is slower.


If you are using the loading in memory, you have to wait until everything is loaded before you can start. Usually, this takes about 5 seconds. This is a await function, so you can set this in your code.

await example.waitForReady();
// Ready!

There are two variables that are working with this: example.readyState and example.ready. ReadyState is a string, ready or not ready. Ready is a boolean, true or false.

get(key, path)

Next, getting data! The key is always required, but the path only if you are using objects AND if you have loading in memory at false. Here is a example.

let result = example.get("result"); // "Result!"
let json = example.get("json"); // "{a: "b", c: ["d", "e", "f"]}"
let jsonObject = example.get("json.a") // "b"

set(key, value, path)

Now, let's set some data! Just like the get function, you can use the path, if you have loading in memory at true and you are setting something in a already existing object. Here is a example, again!

example.set("number", 123); // "123"
example.set("json.g", "h"); // "{a: "b", c: ["d", "e", "f"], g: "h"}"

Delete(key, path)

And now, the last one! Path, you know it. And example.

example.delete("number"); // "undefined"
example.delete("json.g"); // "{a: "b", c: ["d", "e", "f"]}"


Later, there will be more functions!

Last updated